Candace and me @ RIC 2021

Candace and I recently presented at the 2021 Research Impact Canada (RIC) annual conference (, discussing our collaborative explorations between the Regina Fire and Protective Services and undergraduate students in one of my Software Systems Engineering classes (People-Centred Design) at the University of Regina to engineer modern software applications for fire safety education. Enjoy!

Abstract: Over the past years, Regina Fire & Protective Services has provided an interactive activity, delivered by firefighters, designed to lead kindergarten to grade three students through the components of a family fire escape plan. While the original intent of this fire education program is still valid and necessary, the original design has become obsolete and lacks relevance with current technology and communication tools. In collaborating with the University of Regina Software Systems Engineering program, a modern technology was designed and developed by post-secondary students to evolve the teaching tool, saving lives by partnering education and the latest technology and engineering possibilities.






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